Saturday, April 14, 2007


I recently installed Photoshop on my laptop and have been learning about it by playing around with it. Here is a photo of a mannequin I've altered. I call it "Orange Crush"! The saleswoman at the store where I shot this picture gave me a hard time about taking it. Maybe she thought I was a stylist spy. Photoshop is SO fun!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

JEWELRY ADVENTURES: I love to create mixed media jewelry and I call these pieces Soldered Reliquary Shrine pendants. Joseph Cornell's artwork is a huge influence on my work. The elements that make up my Shrine pendants come from my many trips and travels around the country to antique shops, flea markets and garage sales. I start by selecting a theme for each pendant and gather objects that match the theme. You can check my website for more images! (